You might be born in Romania, carry a Romanian passport and know ALL the words to Partidul, Ceausescu, Romania... but guess what?Apparently, what has gathered the most attention for the site is Sam's article "How I Learned Romanian in 37 Easy Steps". Some of
Step 1 – Speak Italian and Spanish and then laugh and dismiss with a wave the Romanian language. After all they’re all Romance languages, no? Practically all the same.From reading various comments on the site, the blog draws in a large Romanian audience who are interested in the way Romanian matters are discussed from the point of a view of a non-Romanian.
The About section is just as interesting, with a touch of funny:
Why in the world do you live in Romania?
Good question! Well, a few years ago I was reading about a great opportunity to travel and WORK in Romania and make lots of money! The guy promised me that I’d be a hostess or a waitress or something. So I scraped up all the money I had and borrowed from everyone I know….
But when I got here it was all a trick! The evil men stole my passports and now I’m forced to dance *sob* and sometimes *sob* do even worse things with the horrible, fat, smelly customers.
I might be wrong but as a regular visitor on that blog and after reading all of Sam"s posts and making a few comments myself, I understood that Sam is a HE not a SHE.After all,there are not too many women out there(even American ones) blogging on how they enjoy getting drunk with palinca(Romanian plum brandy)and having few Romanian girlfriends in the last ten years spent in Romania.And now you know!Would you agree it is better to take a more careful look on a subject before stating your opinion on it?
Clau, dacă nu-ți place ceea ce scriu, nu citi ceea ce scriu. Foarte ușor, nu? Da, eram confuz. Când scriam acest post, am vorbit cu Sam, și l-am întrebat(-o) dacă este bărbat sau femeie. Din păcate, nu mi-a dat un răspuns direct, și niște lucruri pe blog sunt neclare (în ceea ce privește sexul lui Sam). Poate n-am citit celelalte articole despre care vorbești; de-aiba am găsit blogul ăsta. Și de aia, l-am întrebat pe Sam direct.
Acum, nu mai știu, dar voi aștepta răspunsul lui Sam, și voi corecta acest post dacă sexul e greșit.
Filius lunae:No offence intended!No hard feelings I hope.I was merely trying to point out that some people base their opinions on little or no information at all while those who read these opinions presume that the author knows much more on the subject since they take the liberty to lecture through written posts.Bottom line is that one has to be aware of the responsibility one has on the accuracy of the information made available to uninformed readers.After all..."Verba volant,scripta manet".Best regards!
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