
I would like to thank all the Romanians who have sent me messages praising my writing and my passion for their language. I want to thank those who have mentioned me publicly in their own blogs showing their admiration for this linguistically inclined Californian who is reading Harry Potter in Romanian, who watches Romanian reality shows, and who, according to them, writes Romanian flawlessly. My opinion would be that I'm far from perfection, but I assure you the continuous contact with the Romanian community will help me approach it.

I'd like to say mersi to those Romanians who have sent private messages congratulating me on the site.

I have to say that when I first started discussing gypsy manele, I received quite a few unpleasant emails from Romanians who called me a "fake", from people who thought I was truly a Romanian pretending to be from somewhere else. I even got someone telling me that I was probably from București, and, that writing perfect English meant nothing because that isn't hard to achieve in Europe.

I am happy to see that that has changed, and that the messages I receive now are of the positive kind.

I'll tell you guys about something I have been planning: I would like to start volunteering at a Romanian church in my city at least a few hours on the weekend. Besides being able to socialize with the many Romanians who live in Los Angeles, it would sure bring more than just a few topics of discussion to this blog.

Vă mulțumesc, românilor.

Let's all celebrate now to Narcisa's Mă Iubește un Țigan (A Gypsy man loves me).

Să fugim și noi cu el diseară.


Anonymous said...

Să ne trăieşti! :)

Unknown said...

Diacritica împarte/are dreptate!
așa să faci!

Samus said...

Eu nu te-am laudat insa chiar meriti laude pentru asta!
Desi nu fac parte dintre cei care ti-au scris apelative pentru folosirea manelelor ca referinte lingvistice pentru limba romana sper totusi ca in timp sa gasesti alte surse.

Anonymous said...

Well, i think i should write in Romanian, since you understand it. :P
Cu plăcere. :) Singurul lucru pe care nu îl ”admir” la dorința ta de a experimenta cultura lingvistică română este aprecierea pentru manele. Manelele nu sunt specifice românești și sunt asociate de cele mai multe ori cu kitsch-ul. Îți recomand o melodie care sper să ți se pară mult mai frumoasă, poate o știi:

Filius Lunae said...

Ce să vă mai spun? Mulțumesc!

Cred că voi continua cu manelele astea. Îmi plac mie. :))

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