Cavalerii de Smarald

Another fiction book I would like to get into, perhaps once I am finished with my Harrius Potter experiment.

Les Chevaliers d'Émeraude is the original French title of the series, written by the Québécoise author, Anne Robillard — "The Knights of Emerald" is the English title. My interest, however, is not to read it in French, but, rather, to acquire the Romanian translation: Cavalerii de Smarald.

The first volume is subtitled Sub Semnul Stelei de Foc, or Le Feu Dans le Ciel in French. The Romanian translation differs somewhat from the French, which shows that some liberties were taken by the translators: "Under the Sign of the Star of Fire" versus the original "The Fire in the Sky".

As with anything else that's included in this blog, works of this nature always arouse comparisons to the other Romance languages and Latin. The title in Romanian parallels a Latin rendition very closely. We can appreciate from this title the unique preservation, within Romance, of the Latin genitive case in Romanian — Rom. stelei "of the star" vs. Lat. STELLAE "of the star".

RomanianSub semnul stelei de foc

So, yes, I eventually hope to get to this book. Who knows? Could it bring another dual-language experience, French-Romanian this time? We'll have to wait and see.


Samus said...

Nu are mare legatura cu post-ul prezent insa compariatia facuta de tine intre latina si romana mi-a dat o idee.
Ai mai jos un link catre pagina Bibliotecii Centrale Universitare Cluj unde sunt disponibile online scanari de publicatii vechi din Transilvania din perioada cand inca era separata de Romania. Eu cred ca o sa ti se para un exercitiu interesant:

Filius Lunae said...

Da, ai dreptate, îmi plac foarte mult lucrurile astea.

yani said...

Great post.I would certainly prefer to read more foreign fiction which were translated from Romanian translation to english, or in any languages.Because in that way I could have an idea what do people think,feel or their culture is.When we read books from a foreign country it seems like travelling in that country through the stories plot.We could recognize how they have been living afar from our own culture

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