
1. f. En parapsicología, grabación de sonidos atribuidos a espíritus del más allá.
2. f. En parapsicología, estos mismos sonidos.
In English, more commonly known as electronic voice phenomena:
electronically generated noises that resemble speech, but are not the result of intentional voice recordings or renderings. [...] Some have claimed these sounds are of paranormal origin, while there are natural explanations such as apophenia (finding significance in insignificant phenomena), auditory pareidolia (interpreting random sounds as voices in their own language) [...].
This was the subject of a song written by the Mexican cantautora, Gloria Trevi. Gloria is known for writing controversial lyrics, at times, but her work proves she is a great lyricist.

In translating the song into English, the main problem was finding the right translation for the word psicofonía. Most English documents that deal with the subject use the term "electronic voice phenomena", or simply, the acronym EVP. The problem lied in finding a term that would keep the same poetic feeling as the Spanish equivalent; writing "electronic voice phenomena" everytime psicofonía came up in the song didn't capture the feeling from the original. The direct translation, "Psychophony", is less commonly used, but I did find some sources for the term; and, even for someone who has never encountered that word in English, its meaning can be deduced by its Greek compounds, commonly found elsewhere – psycho relating to the mind, and phony meaning sound or voice. With this word, the mystery and double meaning of the title is retained, i.e. they dance to psychophonies, an allusion to a psychotic symphony, in my point of view.

The accent heard from singer Gloria Trevi is Northern Mexican. All instances of /s/ are pronounced fully, in contrast to other Spanish accents reviewed on this site (cf. La Terremoto). Besides the known seseo in her accent, she renders /ʝ/ as [ʤ] – ya [ʤa], ella ['eʤa], llora ['ʤoɾa]; but this is a feature heard in most regions throughout the Spanish-speaking world.

The piece begins with a brief introduction, explaining the title of the song. The voice with a Spanish accent seems to come from a radio transmission, after which, we are treated to an actual psicofonía, one well-known in the field: a little girl's voice that asks "Yo, ¿qué hago aquí?". The full introduction, not present in the recording below, can be heard on the official music video.

Psicofonía - Gloria Trevi

Han transcurrido unos cuarenta años desde que Jürgenson grabara, sin proponérselo, la primera psicofonía conocida. Ya sabe... una en que su madre muerta le llamaba cariñosamente por su nombre. Otra que probablemente recuerden es una que se grabó en una casa abandonada. Una voz de niña, viniendo de lejos, se preguntaba: «¿Qué hago aquí?».

Some forty years have passed since Jürgenson unintentionally recorded the first known psychophony. You know... the one in which his dead mother called him dearly by his name. Another one that you all probably remember is one that was recorded in an abandoned house. A little girl's voice, coming from afar, wondered: "What am I doing here?".

¿Qué hago aquí?
What am I doing here?
Desde que ya no está
Él no descansa en paz
Su alma llora, llora
Él no se conforma con la soledad.

Desde que ya no está
Él empezó a vagar
Su alma penitente
Sin opción a muerte por la eternidad.

Se conocieron en un frío diciembre
Tres años atrás
Él quería asustarla por el ventanal
Ella lo asustó cuando le sonrío
Él miró sus ojos y cayó en su fondo
Hasta su corazón.

Ella es una loca, loca perdida
Él adora su alma herida
Y se amaron
bailando sin tiempos

Psicofonías que él cantaba en el viento.

Ella es una loca, loca perdida
Él se aparece en fuego y policromías
El fantasma y la loca se quieren casar
El padre de ella no lo quiere aceptar.

Mas una maldición
Lo ata en la mansión
Por eso, él canta, canta
Y el viento se lleva su lamentación.

Si pones atención
Escucharás su voz (Te amo)
Y seguro que ella, ya en su blanca celda,
Baila psicofonías de amor.

Ella es una loca, loca perdida
Él la adora, ella nunca lo olvida
Pues la envuelve con psicofonías

Los muertos nos hablan
Algunos nos aman.
Ever since he's not around
He doesn't rest in peace
His soul cries, cries
He's not content with solitude.

Ever since he's not around
He started to wander
His penitent soul
Without a death option through eternity.

They met on a cold December
Three years ago
He wanted to scare her through the large window
She scared him when she smiled at him
He saw her eyes, and fell into her deepness
All the way to her heart.

She's a crazy, crazy lost woman
He adores her wounded soul
And they loved each other,
dancing without measures
Psychophonies that he sang in the wind.

She's a crazy, crazy lost woman
He shows himself in fire and polychromies
The ghost and the crazy woman want to get married
Her father doesn't want to accept it.

But a curse
Ties him in the mansion
Because of that, he sings, sings
And the wind takes away his lamentation.

If you pay attention
You will hear his voice (I love you)
And it's certain that she, in her white cell,
Dances psychophonies of love.

She's a crazy, crazy lost woman
He adores her, she never forgets him
Since he surrounds her with psychophonies

The dead talk to us
Some love us.

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