Filius Lunae - Relaunch

Today, this blog is being relaunched with a new name, new look and new domain. The new name: Filius Lunae; the new domain: The description and the theme of the blog remain the same: Thoughts about the Romance Languages. Another thing that stays the same: the author, returning after a very long hiatus.

During this time, I can say I have become more seasoned and more acquainted with the different languages, especially the minority Romance languages, such as Catalan, Occitan, Galician, Asturian and Romansh. I also have a very good grasp of Romanian, which I didn't have back I started this blog under the name of Romanika. My Latin has improved vastly as well, up to the point of considering it a Living Language, and using it for composition and communicating with others who have attained this level of proficiency in the Roman tongue.
Thus, my posts will definitely seem more mature (as I, myself, have matured, of course), and I will be able to relate the Romance languages I write about back to their roots in Latin more often and more deeply than before.

Having occupied myself with various tasks in life, I continued to receive correspondence from readers to my blog, who responded to the content already published. I thank those readers for writing to me, as they are the ones who brought me back. This time, to stay for good.

I have quite a few things already planned for this new launch of the blog; the same type of research-like articles and posts, as before; some personal posts as wells, with my views on various language issues or headlines around the world; and I plan to incorporate video and sound as well. The posts, now organized by categories, should be easier to go through for the reader.

Any old links with the old address ( will redirect to the new domain, so no changes are required to old posts on the blogosphere. I do ask, however, that any new links or references to this blog be made with the new name and address. For the record, I chose Filius Lunae because that has become my online identity over the past few years; almost like a pen name for a book writer. Plus, it's in Latin, a very suitable language for the subject matter of this blog.

So, please, let's continue those thoughts about the Romance languages.
Continuemos com as línguas românicas!
¡Continuemos coas linguas románicas!
¡Continuemos con las lenguas románicas!
Continuem amb les llengües romàniques!
Continuem amb las lengas romanicas!
Continuons avec les langues romanes!
Continuamo con le lingue romanze!
Să continuăm cu limbile romanice!


Forrest said...

Welcome back!

I'd enjoyed reading your old blog, and indeed have gone back to it a number of times over the past couple of years, and have wondered what became of you; you had such an enthusiasm for the Romance language family as a whole that I was really disappointed to see your disappearance, which I don't think was ever explained.

I noticed the announcement of your rebirth at Language Hat today, and it was welcome news indeed. I very much look forward to reading your new entries in the new blog.


John Cowan said...

Nu chonineweran cun llo linghedig rufanig. (Sorry, the subjunctive is no longer used except in proverbs and such, and I don't know how to say "Let us continue", so that's the future indicative.)

Filius Lunae said...

@Forrest: Hey. Thanks for that message. Yes, indeed, I am back. ;)

@John: Ce limba este această ? o.O What language is that? If I had to guess, I would say a conlang with Romance influence? Can't be sure though. ;)

Filius Lunae said...

@John: Ok! With the words you put on the other post, I found it: Brithenig. I do think I had read about that before. Interesting. ^^

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